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2022高考英语作文题目7篇 word A4格式





I went on a gathering with my friends last weekend, and it was a fantasticexperience.

We arrived at the gathering site early in the afternoon, when it was stillvery hot. We walked through the bushes and looked for fruits and vegetables togather. I competited with my friends to see who gathers with the most speed andquality. In the end, all of us not only gained many fresh and tasty fruits, butalso learnt efficient ways to gather crops.

Personally, this was a very meaningful experience and I had a lot of fun. Ihad a great time with my friends.


My weekendLast weekend,we took part in a picking activity. We drove fromthe school, and the farm was about 2 kilometers away from our school. When wearrived at the farm, there are all kinds of animals, green fresh vegetables andfruit trees in the farm. We were divided into two groups. One group wasresponsible for picking fruits, the other packed up the fruits. Time flyingquickly, the activity was over. But it was a meaningful day, when we learn a lotform it. Through this activity, we know how hard the farmers are and howprecious the food is. We should treasure the food planted by the farmers.


Last weekend, I took part in a picking activity in a remarkable modern farmwith several classmates, which has impressed and inspired all of us. With greenvegetables and fruits, the farm covers an area of 2,000 acres, where advancedtechnology is used for efficient farming. After the instruction of the staff, wewere divided into two groups to do the picking work separately. Not only did wecollect vegetables and fruits, but we also ate some fresh fruits there. Whatthis activity has taught me is how hard the farmers work and we should treasureeverything we own! Besides, I really appreciate this opportunity to get close tonature. What a meaningful day it is!


Last weekend, our class organized an activity themed 主题“Technology makeslife better”, which was intended to arouse激发our awareness of importance ofdevoting to science and technology.

=Last weekend, We held an meaningful activity named (titled) “Technologymakes life better ”….


In the morning, we set off for前往a technology company. An engineertherewelcomed us and gave a lecture on 3Dprinting, introducing itshistory,development and application应用in fields/areas领域 likearchitecture,medicine, education and so on.Then he showed us how the 3D printerworks. We were amazed at the magic魅力of technology and couldn’t wait to give it atry. Our group first designed a 3Dmodel of a bike and then operated the printeras instructed. Watching the bike gradually taking shape, we felt excited. Whenall our works were displayed/ shown/exhibitedon the table, we admired/appreciated them and some took photos to record thisunforgettable experience/memorable experience.


This is really an educative and eye-opening activity in which/ where I wasimpressed with the convenience便利 and benefits/ advantages/ strengths brought bytechnology.=Through this activity, we not only broaden our horizons and enrichour knowledge, but develop our great passion for science.




第一篇小作文题目:是Youth and ME ,Youth是英语校报的名字“校报十周年” 让你写一篇短文








Last weekend, we family visited a farm run by high-tech methods, which wasintended to exercise and refresh ourselves. Early in the morning, we headed forour destination by bike. On arrival, The leader of the farm gave us a warmwelcome and showed us around. To our amazement, the farm was heavy with avariety of fruits and vegetables, but they grew out of water instead of earth.What impressed us most was that 3D printing technology was being employed by theworkers. Surprisingly, A mini robot run by 3D printing picked up some sweetgrapes for us without efforts. Later on, a skilled worker presented us how thisamazing skill worked on watering plants and packing fruits, enabling me to havea great passion for science.

Time passed quickly before we knew it, we had to say goodbye to theworkers. Through this journey to the farm, I realized science and technologymake our life better.



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