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战争的危害英语11篇 word A4格式



Historically, where is the peace? In people's heart. But that is temporary, is also not realistic.

Who caused the shells roared in sin? Who let the gunpowder diffuses of the war on earth? Who is make people lost family members? That war, greed, for strong self take others cheap, brings the peace to the earth! I laugh at them, did they ever think about their country, their people, and his family? They only think about how to put other things into your own shameless!

War will brings people a lot of pain, the wife lost her husband, children lose their father, there are a lot of people use illegal weapons and produce radiation, make an unborn baby distortion, social instability, let people's normal life affected, all day live in fear!

In this, I strongly urge, love peace, opposed to war, let the world peace!


War and Peace

Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome.While peace is the ultimate goal of all of our undertaking in this world, war has been inevitable in the course of human civilization. Does man have an innate taste for war? Or is it just an acquired scheme learned from human society? We only know

that there hasn‘t been any period in the history during which the world was really at peace. Human beings pursue peace and prosperity through the establishment of families, communities, and nations. Why should we let all these be destroyed by wars?

To reduce the possibility of war to the lowest extent, I have two suggestions. First of all, education should be consolidated to eliminate the brutality and beastliness in human nature. Knowledge derives from education and is a surer road to wisdom. Wisdom enables us to distinguish right from wrong. It also teaches us restraint and tolerance, two effective means of preventing wayward killing and destruction. Another cure is religion. Most religions in the world advocate philanthropy and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred and revenge. Consequently, education and religion working side by side can transform a barbarian into a civilized person. With wisdom and love, the human race as a whole will detest war and embrace peace.



要将战争的可能性降至最低程度,我有两点建议:首先,必须落实教育,以去除人性中的残酷与;知识源于教育,同时也是通往智慧较稳当的一条路。智慧使我们明辨是非,同时也教导我们自制与容忍。 自制与容忍乃防止任意杀戮和破坏的两条有效途径。另一帖良方是宗教。世界上大部分的宗教主张博爱与宽恕,而博爱与宽恕可化解仇恨和报复。因此,教育和宗教相辅相成,能够将野蛮人转变为文明人。有了智慧和爱,全体人类定当厌恶战争、拥抱和平。


Our world today is faced with many major threats. The most dangerous threat of all is war. Each war starts for a particular reason, but there are a number of steps countries can take to prevent its outbreak.

On main reason for war is the difference in ideology. In order to control the world, capitalist countries never stop trying to tam over the communist governments. Land ownership is also a reason that countries declare wars on their neighbors. For example, if oil is found on the land in one country, that land may be claimed by another country, for historical reasons, and the latter is likely to declare war in order to recover the land containing oil.

To prevent the mutual slaughter of human beings, countries shouldtry to solve their differences through international organizations such as the United Nations or by other peaceful means. In addition, the world people should never stop condemning those warmongers and send them to their graves if they dare launch new wars.


Between 1945 and 1954, the Vietnamese waged an anti-colonial war against France and received $2.6 billion in financial support from the United States. The French defeat at the Dien Bien Phu was followed by a peace conference in Geneva, in which Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam received their independence and Vietnam was temporarily divided between an anti-Communist South and a Communist North. In 1956, South Vietnam, with American backing, refused to hold the unification elections. By 1958, Communist-led guerrillas known as the Viet Cong had begun to battle the South Vietnamese government.

To support the Souths government, the United States sent in 2,000 military advisors, a number that grew to 16,300 in 1963. The military condition deteriorated, and by 1963 South Vietnam had lost the fertile Mekong Delta to the Vietcong. In 1965, Johnson escalated the war, commencing air strikes on North Vietnam and committing ground forces, which numbered 536,000 in 1968. The 1968 Tet Offensive by the North Vietnamese turned many Americans against the war. The next president, Richard Nixon, advocated Vietnamization, withdrawing American troops and giving South Vietnam greater responsibility for fighting the war. His attempt to slow the flow of North Vietnamese soldiers and supplies into South Vietnam by sending American forces to destroy Communist supply bases in Cambodia in 1970 in violation of Cambodian neutrality provoked antiwar protests on the nations college campuses.


As the smoke dissipated roar of gunfire stopped, focused people's attention all over the world the Iraq war is finally over.

Close fight in the joy of victorious people have seen the wound himself, while the failure of the people have never lost their past glory. Peace-loving people, once again saw the cruelty of war!

War - This is enough to destroy humanity's most terrible of the devil, when will it disappear?

The rights of those who have kept a huge, frequently resorting to force against other countries, but also to drag their war, few people can really taste the grievances caused by the war, while the common people, the war brought to them is always unfortunate.

The twentieth century is a century of great changes occurring throughout the world turned upside down, achieved in this century science and technology, literary achievement than any previous era. However, the complexity of this century's political and economic changes that the war has become more frequent, rapid advances in science and technology to make war even more terrible, full of brilliant in this century, the unprecedented brutal war to enable people to enjoy the great spiritual and material life at the same time, experienced a time full of bloodshed and horror!

The 19th century, with large colonies, rapid economic development of the capitalist powers have the rise of the early 20th century, they increasingly sharp contradictions, and finally led to the outbreak of World War I in human history! Human beings for the first time experienced a world of unprecedented infighting!


Recently,our country celebrated the 70th anniversary of both the world's anti-fascism war and the victory of China's Resistance War against Japanese Aggression.As we all known,peace has became an important problem.

It is known to all that there are still various wars around the world.Which cause death and ruins.It seems that wars can't be avoided.Africa,Middle East,and etc,which are the regiond where wars break out often up-to-date.But peace is the ultimate goal of all of our undertaking in this world.

Just like the situation in above story,wars must cause large numbers of deaths.Soldiers,even innocent civilians.And the deaths' families will be affected.What's more,the bodies will result in terrible plague if not be dealt with immediately,which can cause more serious injures and deaths.

2025 is special.It tells us that peaceful life are expencive,and also reminds us that war is possible.We must remember the history and make the world a more peaceful, more harmonious, more beautiful place to live in.


Boiled wine, sword, galloping, throwing the head, sprinkling blood.Take a glass of wine, kill the gold soldiers, and collected the heroism.The horn, shout, mad sound, sound shocked.Blood splashes, cutting edges, afflauses, and surprising.

The blood is just, the cloak is hunting, and the iron ride is horing, and the iron and hooves are treated.The morale is in all, if there is God help, he is brave and killing, bravely unimpeded.In an instant, the main arrows were uniform, murderous.The soldiers have fallen in the horse, Jin Ge Tiema, take the victory.Dadai Jinbing, Karang enters the cloud, the banner, happy. blood sprinkler, macro wrapping body, strong demand.One Division, recovered Kyushu, named the history, and the autumn.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"Time, the voice, shout, the scream is endless. More than an hour ago, here is still the sea, peace and one. The busy train is still going to send a blessing, bringing greetings. A two-year-old little boy, and go to the train station with Mom and Dad to buy tickets ready to travel. At this time, the sound of the rumbling sound slammed around, and did not wait for people to react, the Japanese army throws a few bombs from the air. Suddenly, the house fell, the sky bridge was killed, the railway was broken, a train fell into a few paragraphs, and there were very few passengers on the car.

The child's father's first response to pick up the child and returned, but a bomb was ruthlessly exploded by their sneakers. Parents hit their children in the arms, and the young children were saved, but his parents But fried flesh and blood blurred. Shanghai's beautiful city, instantly became uncomfortable, full of ruins and smoke rolling. The little boy is covered with blood, silly sitting on the ground, and clothes are broken. The poor child was scared by a wolf in front of him. He wanted to move to the left, but the body of incomplete body, blocked his way, and let him dispel the idea. He wants to move right, but he can hardly and dirty bomb shell fragments, let him stop the footsteps. He could only sit in front of this ruin, crying to cry: "Wow …… …… …… Mom! Dad!" But answered him is a flying dust and the Japanese army to gradually rush. His parents can't hear the sound. He cried, crying, waiting for the miracle of fate in hell's ruins. Stop the war, for people no longer lose their loved ones, in order to make sunlight, flowers and care tomorrow, please stop the ruthless war.


For human beings, war is a disaster, no matter what the characteristic is. Walt Whitman once said that the real war would never get in the books. Nothing has received more abuse than wars. Because of the war, the gracious mothers will lose their kids, the na??ve children will lose their parents, innocent persons will lose their homeland and thousands upon thousands of persons will be immersed in the endless gloom.

There is many an adult today who regards the war as a kind of glory. However, if you have been through the war, you will understand the real meaning of the peace. We do not want any war. This is a matter of life and death-a matter no state can ignore. As we all know, in wars, there are no winners but all losers. Strategists point out that increasing wars not only cause problems such as terrorist incidents but could also threaten to end human life on our planet. The brotherhood among people is one of the most precious things in the world. No matter how much money you have, you will never get this kind of friendship.

There is no denying the fact that war is an extremely serious problem. H.G. Wells once said, " War will end us if we do not end wars." It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of assault and bombardment. Actually, the war is a kind of threat to everyone. If we go on to do all in our power to defeat the doubts and the fears, the ignorance and the voracity, there will be no discrimination and hostility in the world. Finally, we will keep the real and lasting peace as long as possible.


Generally, war is repugnant, but peace is welcome. While peace is the ultimate goal of all of our undertaking in this world, war has been inevitable in the course of human civilization. Does man have an innate taste for war? Or is it just an acquired scheme learned from human society? We only know that there hasn't been any period in the history during which the world was really at peace. Human beings pursue peace and prosperity through the establishment of families, communities, and nations. Why should we let all these be destroyed by wars?

To reduce the possibility of war to the lowest extent, I have two suggestions. First of all, education should be consolidated to eliminate the brutality and beastliness in human nature. Knowledge derives from education and is a surer road to wisdom. Wisdom enables us to distinguish right from wrong. I also teaches us restraint and tolerance, two effective means of preventing wayward killing and destruction. Another cure is religion. Most religions in the world advocate philanthropism and forgiveness, which dissolve hatred and revenge. Consequently, education and religion working side by side can transform a barbarian into a civilized person. With wisdom and love, the human race as a whole will detest war and embrace peace.




Ding zero Class is over.

"Snowball fight……" The students rushed out of the classroom and ran to the playground like flying.

Ah, there are so many students in the playground.

Look, one by one the snow bombs exploded.

Look at the students again. Some have become white peonies, some dandelions, some marshmallows, some Santa Claus, some snowmen.

What a war in the snow.



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