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开学了英语7篇 word A4格式



(1) 简要评价或作结论:文章的最后几句概括全文内容,并进一步肯定文章的中心思想或作者的观点。

(2) 首尾照应句: 回到文章的中心思想或主题句上,达到再次肯定或强调的效果。

(3) 用反问句结尾:虽然形式是疑问句,但意义是肯定的,具有很明显的强调作用,能引起读者的思考。


Winter holiday is coming,and I have a plan about it.

I get up at 8:00,then do the morning exercise in the park which is near my home,then do my homework, sometimes I watch TV,sometimes I play computer games,I think it is very good.

During the holiday we will have the Spring Festival,it is one of the most important festival in China,we are very happy because we can have red packets,eat many delicious food,wear new clothes.

So,I think this Winter holiday will be very happpy.

I like it.

January 25th,a very important day in Chinese history.

Its spring festival!The weather was good.

My parents and I went to my grandparentshome to celebrate the festival.

I met my drothers and sisters there.

We played games,told stories.

We felt very happy.

In 12 oclock we had a rich lunch.

But the centrol food was dunplings,its the traditional food in spring festival.

At night,we also had dumplings for supper.

Then we went to park to watch beacon,its very beautiful and I like them.

Smile is in everyones face,so am I.

What a wonderful and happy day I had today,I never forget it!



(1) 背景法:说明事件发生的时间、地点、情景等背景。

(2) 人物法:交代文章所要描述的主要人物或有关人物。

(3) 主题句法:提出一个观点或论据作为文章要阐明或论述的主题。

(4) 问题法:用提问的方式来引出文章的内容,以引起读者的注意力。

(5) 惊语法:用令人感到惊奇的句子开头,激起读者的兴趣。

(6) 故事法:以讲故事的形式作为文章的开头,在此基础上展开文章。多用于记叙文,也可用于议论文。

(7) 数据法:引用已经被证实的数字来引起话题。

(8) 引语法:引用名人名言或常见习语、谚语等作为文章的开头。

(9) 定义法:常见于对标题下定义,然后通过举例、逻辑推理等方法加以详细说明。





The flight of time, Time flies like a shuttle.

In the twinkling of an eye, the school is about to start. The news made me happy and depressed. Think about going to school, do not sit at home all day long before sitting in front of the TV, but I think my composition has not written, depressed.

In the past more than a month holiday, indulge in TV, every day cant finish the program, in the period of the Olympic Games is not to mention, not a second my eyes toward not watching TV, not to read and write this heart. The Olympic Games for a short period of ten days down the tent, there is no exciting program, then I remember, my composition has not written, this does not suffer? The teacher scolded, it is so shameful thing, or day and night processing, to catch it up.

I used to know in the first final exams nowadays determined face the second coming, I must study hard, (because I am in the final exam, exam is not ideal) so the school for me, is another challenge, very happy, I have to work hard to work, not to let parents disappointed.

Friends, outline the beginning of the school soon, how do you feel? Tell me, we communicate, exchange each others feelings.


In a blink of an eye, the winter vacation was over. Usually in the classroom every day, but if in the winter vacation, live like seconds, "one brush" is the past. Oh, the question remains a mystery to me.

In the winter vacation, I was just like a bridle "Mustang", running in the grasslands of Xinjiang, may eventually have to be tied back to the "horse"……

Its almost time for school, and Im happy and worried. Happily, I can see my classmates again. Dont mention how happy I am. What worries me is that I have to go back to the day, have a teacher, and have a mothers life in the evening.

This winter vacation has made me very memorable. Its time for school. Although Ive already come to school, my heart is still outside. But I believe that as long as I really start school, and in the classroom more than two classes, my heart will be like a rope "son" firmly tied back to school.

In the previous study life, I still have a lot of things done well enough, let the teacher and mother hold a lot of heart. I will make up my mind to study and progress in the new term, and strive for the title of "excellent progress student".

Now, Im looking forward to my school year!


Time flies.

Soon, I am going to set foot on the pupils of grade three has four grade classroom, I was a major step forward.

Before, I very happy, excited because of higher grade three.

Now will ascend grade four feel the time is really a moment so quickly in the past.

I still remember the small shenyang in the essay "not bad money" in a word: eyes closed one zheng, a year has passed.

I think, time like an arrow in space shuttle, the fastest in the world.

Remember to learn the text before said, "and race against the clock," the man though never ran past time, but can be faster than the original one step, sometimes also can quick steps.

I think: yes, as long as the one I cherish this holiday again short also can feel very long time.

After the fourth grade, I will have what kind of test? Because, after the fourth grade, is the sixth grade graduate in two years, the test must be focused, or we will fall in this place.

Besides, task will add to the fourth grade, is not a moment to relax, not to do so would have serious failure.

So, I must study hard, brave go forward, dont be intimidated by big difficult to.

From now on, I must reduce relaxation time, in order to later, I have to make sacrifices!

Is going to school, my heart is really very excited!


Early in the morning, when the home of the cock crow, I have to get up.

Today is the 28th, the day of school is more and more close to the, think about it, how time flies! My heart is full of uneasy, for an unknown class, unknown, unknown teacher.

I dont know what the students will be, in short everything is unknown.

When television also reported the typhoon blah all relevant information, I have finished wash and dress, came to the table, suddenly feel good vexed, pushed off until last night did not complete science questions, calm down and took out a book from the bookcase in.

Oh, they were the writings of golgi - "childhood, here on earth, my university" pull together into a book.

Enjoy a bit of sunshine through the window in the morning, little by little, I dont have my ears filled with the noise of the city.

I sigh for the fate of the allyson, grandma again at the same time as he has such a kind and thankful, peruse the authors grandfather again this role, I found that he could become kind and amiable, his personality is forced by life.

Read, I suddenly thought of what, assigned by the teacher I havent finished reading notes, filed a pen, but I dont know how to write again, but.

Summer vacation is coming to an end, I sooner or later in the face of a normal life, work and rest time to study, I remind myself cant stay in bed and couldnt be online late, cant.

School begins, there are too many restrictions.

I yearn for freedom, dont want to back to literary theory late into the night, there are many dont want to.

But I have to face it all, doesnt it?

Take headphones, look at the bustling world, then? Buried his head to continue to do my science exam.


开学了英语(精选7篇),(1) 简要评价或作结论:文章的最后几句概括全文内容,并进一步肯定文章的中心思想或作者的观点。

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