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The computer is a product of advanced civilization and its invention, according to some people, signals the advent of a Second Industrial Revolution. Formerly a bulky machine that demanded much space, the computer is now becoming smaller and smaller and scientists have made it more sophisticated and accordingly more useful. As is generally known, the computer can do a wide range of work, including complex computation and analyses.

People now also use it as a teaching aid in designing. An infinite variety of software can be put into the computer, which explains why it is so powerful. There is, however, one thing which we should bear in mind: that the computer cannot think but man can. So there need not be any fear that someday the computer will control us and all we should expect is try our best to bring it to perfection. A computer age is not a pipe dream and there will come a day when most of our needs can be met by this wonderful machine.


Over-reliance on Computers

The picture ironically depicts a vicar who fails to give a sermon on how to simplify our life because he lost all the materials he needed when his computer crashed. This picture is trying to tell us that over-reliance on computers sometimes makes a mess of our life.

Admittedly, computers bring us much convenience. However, once going overboard, all the convenience might turn into disaster. Nowadays, many young people like working with computers. But what if the computers break down? All of the efforts you have made for days or even for months will become nothing. If you are a teacher who is about to begin class only to find you have forgotten bringing your USB disk, you will not know what to do next and the class will be doomed to failure.

In summary, computers do simplify our life to some extent, but we should not rely on them too much. At least, we should have a backup plan.


Computers in students‘ flats are a catch word on campus. An increasing number of students can afford or hire computers. They appreciate a chance to learn about computers from the comfort of their own flats, without the embarrassment or shyness of going into a computer hall and feeling not educated.

The world is changing with a speed like never before, and students feel that computers are playing an important role in that change. They agree that they must have computer skills to survive in today‘s world. They get on board, cease to be computer illiterate on the information highway. No student should enter the future without being computer literate.

While students take giant steps to catch up on the information superhighway, they should be alerted to problems of buying or renting computers. Playing games or surfing aimlessly on the Internet will do much harm. Otherwise, any attempt to learn computer will end up as nothing but an empty dream.


When I was in grade four in primary school, my father taught me how to use computer. After that, I was very interested in playing computer. I watched movies, played computer games, searched the Internet and listened to the music on computer. Because my father must work in his computer, so he bought another for me. I was very happy that I had my own computer. It was put in the study. I am always very careful to use my computer, because I am worried I would break. I often chat with my net friends. Because of my computer, I make many friends who have many in common. Of course, I use my computer in study. There are resources on the Internet. I can learn more after class. It does great help to me.


The computer is a wonderful machine. They are already widely used in industries and in universities. They are used in many ways.

Computers can do many kinds of work. For example, computers can helps us do maths problems quickly. Some problems are too hard for us to work them out, but computers can. A scientist can ask computers some questions, and the computers can answer on the screen.

In a car-factory computer tells the robots how to do with the cars.

Computers are very useful. So many parents buy computers for their children. They hope computers can help them improve their studies in school, but some children don’t do as what parents want them to do. Because they used the computers for surfing on the Internet and spend too much time playing computer games instead of learning. It does not good for their eyesight. So their parents complain about computers not help children to study but also make them fall behind.

In many companies computers instead of workers to work. So many people lose their jobs. So many workers think computers bring them a lot of trouble.

If computers are good for us or bad for us it’s hard to say so I hope computers will be used in the right way.


Computer is more and more popular at present. I have my own computer and its color is light GREen. It's more convenient for me to study with a computer. And the best of all is that computer can tell me almost everything I want to know. It really helps me a lot and has become a trustworthy friend of mine.


How to Select a Home Computer

Computers are very versatile,but choosing a computer is not an easy, simple job. However, if you

follow these steps, you will find it easier.

First, decide on the main reasons why you want a computer. Is the most important reason to play games or to help with your business?

Second, look carefully at the programs the computer can use. If you want to write your own, it is important to look at the computer language. Is it easy to learn?

Third, decide the smallest, or the least needs you have for your computer. What are the characteristics you would like to have? Your use of a computer will help you decide which characteristics are necessary, which are nice, and which are unnecessary.

Fourth, when you have limited your choices to a few computers, look at the secondary uses and programs. If your main reason for buying a home computer is to play games, you may take computer A instead of computer B because computer A can also be used as word processor.

Fifth, think of the two prices. The first is the price you must pay to take the computer home. The second is the price of additional programs and possible additions that you might want to buy at a later date.

Be sure to try out the computer before you buy it. Sales people at computer shops are happy to help you choose the computer that will best fit your needs and cost you least.


As I am about to graduate and leave the campus, I am going to sell my personal laptop at a low price.

It is a Lenovo ThinkPad that I bought in June, 20xx. It is not big, but very functional. It has a four-core CPU, an independent display card of 2G, a hard disk of 500G and a screen of 15.6 inches.

For the last two years, the laptop has served as my faithful aid and helped me finish most of my assignments and my thesis. There has appeared no fault in the process. I owe so much to it. But as my workplace has already offered me a more advanced working laptop, I find there is no necessity for me to have two. And I know that there must be some of my schoolmates who are more in need of the ThinkPad. Therefore, I determined to sell it.

I bought the laptop as the price of 3500 yuan. Now I will sell it at 1500 yuan or less. Anyone interested can contact me via email, and my mailbox is com.


On Saturday, I played computer with Ren Jiawen. We played monster attack first. At first, I would not, let Jiawen teach me, he said: "press the mouse, the monster fell to the ground, it fell to death."

I see. We're playing. One by one, I killed the monster, and finally, I won.

I feel so happy!


Computrs ar changing our lif. You can do a lot of things with a computr. Such as, you can us a computr to writ articls, watch vido CDs, play gams and do offic work. But th most important us of a computr is to join th Intrnt. By joining a computr to Intrnt, w can gt th latst information in all filds. W don’t nd to lav hom to borrow books from a library or to do shopping in a suprmarkt.

Computrs hlp us liv a mor convnint lif. With th dvlopmnt of computrs, th word is bcoming a larg family.


Some recent developments in computer industry make scientists predict that the gap between human beings and the machine will be closed by the year 20240.

To understand the significance of this prediction, let us compare the human brain with existing computers. The brain consumes electrical energy at the rate of 25 watts and occupies volume of one tenth of a cubic foot. The brain houses between 10 billion and 100 billion items of information. Every brain cell is directly connected to many other cells. As a result, the cells in which information is stored can communicate with thousands of other cells. In contrast, the computer consumes 1,000,000 watts of electrical power and occupies hundreds of cubic feet of space. The computer memory is like a cell of pigeonholes, with no thinking capacity and no connections elsewhere.

In a word, the electronic brains can hopelessly succeed in comparison with the human brains.


With the rapid process of modernization, computer becomes more and more popular. Nowadays, almost every family has a computer. Because of computers, our daily life is improving.

Computer has a great effect on our daily life. In the first place, computer has so many functions. As we have computers, we needn't buy books, radios, TVs and any other things, because computer can take place of them. Secondly, surfing on the Internet must be very interesting. Through the Internet, we can do everything we like. Thirdly, thanks to the Internet, we can get the further education at any time, so we don't have to get up so early in winter days.

However, a coin has two sides, because it's new doesn't mean it's always good. At present, most students spend too much time on computer games. I don't think it's a good phenomenon, because it will do great harm to our eyes as well as our health if we play computer games all the time.

In my opinion, we should use the computers in the right way. For instance, we can read the latest news on the internet to know the world better; read the e-books to enrich our knowledge or download some useful information for our work. We can also make different friends on the Internet, so that our life will be colorful. I believe computers will be our best friends if we make good use of them.


Our school has been given a grant to make necessary improvements to its facilities. We can spend it on new books for the library or on more computers. Our school already has books in its library and it already has computers. Since we have more books than computers, I think that new computers will benefit the student more.

Computers can access up-to–date information on the Internet. Right now, the reference books in our library are very outdated. Our encyclopedia set is eight years old. But if every student had access to a computer, we all could have the latest facts and figures on everything.

Unfortunately, giving every student a computer means we need a lot of computers. Right now, the ratio of computers to students is one to twelve. This means students only get to work on the computers three or four times a week. But if every student had a computer, we could use it whenever we wanted.

“Information on demand” should be our slogan. Students today need lots of information right away. Life goes by too quickly to wait. It takes forever to identify a book that you think might have the information you need. Then you have to go to the library and look for the book. Usually it’s not even there.

With a computer, information searches are instantaneous. If we all had computers, we could access more information and access it faster by computer. We could have all the information we needed for our schoolwork. We could all improve our grades. For these reasons, I feel that purchasing more computers will benefit us more than buying more books.


Hi, I am a computer. I have many friends. They are the mouse, the keyboard, the screen and so on. I am black and blue. I live in a boy’s house now. The boy bought me 3 years ago. He often plays and studies on me. Sometimes he writes letters and sends e-mail from one to another. But playing computer games on me is his favourite thing to do. I am convenient and useful. Most of people love me. Do you love me, too?


Nowadays, as we enter a new era which is full of new thing and technology, computer using has been a common and necessary skill in our work and study. However, computer also has some advantages while it has caused some problems.

On the one hand, to a large extent, computer has brought a lot of convenience and benefits to our work, study and other areas. For example, those people who are familiar with computer using not only have more chances to get in touch with more information and knowledge but also have more efficiency in their study and work, especially for university students and technical workers. On the other hand, computers have made a great contribution to the development of communication. We can communicate with others who come from different places by computer but without meeting with them in person as a result.

However, on the other hand, there are some problems caused by computer using. For example, a flood of the computer games have been a great threat for the growth and development of some children and students, and even some adults. They are addicted to computer games so terrible that they can never concentrate on their study and work but only play games day and night. It has been a tremendous worry for their parents.

Taking its advantages and disadvantages into consideration, I suggest that we take full use advantages of its advantages and avoid its disadvantages as much as possible.


电脑英语作文(精选15篇),The computer is a product of advanced civilization and its invention, according to some people, signals the advent of a Second Industrial Revolution。

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