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给校长的一封信英语6篇 word A4格式





Dear Headmaster,I am the minister of students life in the Student Union. On behalf of all the students, I am writing to you to give our opinions about the canteen.

Our canteen has something satisfactory and something unsatisfactory as well. To our satisfaction, many kinds of the food are supplied to us. Besides this, the food is cheap and tastes good. We all enjoy the food. And the surroundings in the canteen have also been improved. But the quantity of a helping they give is not enough. The seats are not enough as well.Some students have no seats when eating.

Finally we advise them to improve the quality of the food and their service. We will feel very happy if these problems can be solved.


Dear Mr. President,As a regular student at our college, I have some complaint to make about the canteen service on campus.

Frstly, the canteen environment is very bad. Actually, it is becoming more and more crowded and noisy with an ever larger presence of vocational students every term. Secondly, the canteen workers are bad-mannered. Far from being warm and kind-hearted, they always seem to be cold and rude to us students. Thirdly and most importantly, the dishes at our canteen are too expensive, though they are by no means good quality or delicious. The survey the Student Union carried out last week reveals that on average a student will spend 10 to 12 yuan on meals every day. This is for more than the food expenses of students in the neighborhood colleges.

Nutritious and delicious meals well within the students' means are very important for young students. I really wish measures could be taken to improve our canteen service.


Dear principal,Hello, before graduation, I am about to leave my alma mater. In this year's Xuexi life, my alma mater not only gave me knowledge, but also gave me meticulous care and care. While thanking you, I also want to make a few comments to you.

one. Our school does not have sports facilities, and the exercise that students get when they are in sports is lack of exercise. So I suggest that you can build some sports facilities on the playground so that students can get exercise in the physical education class.

two. Don't just pursue the rate of enrollment. What we are pushing now is quality education, which should allow us to develop comprehensively in moral, physical, intellectual, aesthetic, and labor.

three. Our school did not plant a few trees. When the students were tired of eyes, they could only see the house but not a single tree when they looked outside. If you plant some trees around the playground, when the students’ eyes are tired, looking at those trees can reduce eye fatigue.

The above is my suggestion, do you think it is okay?


Dear Mr. President,My name is Li Ming, a sophomore majoring in International Trade. Having learned and lived on campus for nearly two years, I have found university life most exciting and instructive.

What happens around me every day has left a deep impression on me, but what strikes me most is the canteen service on campus, so that for some time I have had the keen desire to write to you, sharing with you my positive comments on and negative feelings about it. On the one hand, we are happy to see that the canteen staff has been sparing no efforts to guarantee food quality. As a result, we are relieved from the anxiety that some food might be dirty, stale and inedible. We also feel contented with the service provided by the canteen, enjoying food in a homely atmosphere. On the other hand, improvements should be made for the simple reason that prices for dishes are unreasonably high, and that the canteen is not spacious enough and too noisy at times.

Therefore, to improve the overall service of the canteen the strengths should be encouraged, while the weaknesses ought to be overcome by lowering prices and expanding the canteen if possible.


Dear Headmaster,I'm very glad to write to you and learn about what my child behaves in your school.Pleas feel free to make me known about everything my child here.I would be thankful to you and all the teachers.

Nowadays,students have more subjects and have less spare time.I wonder if they are worried about the heavy burden of study.You should ask them to learn to relax.And they are now in the year of adolescence(青春期),i also care about whether they have a good attitude to making friends,especially with the opposite sex.

Above all,we'll make sure they are safe and happy in your school.Thank you!


Dear schoolmaster:

Sports facilities play an important role in college students‘ daily life.It is necessary of the college to build more sports facilities.In college,students not only study hard but also need the sports facilities to relax themselves or enhance physical during their spare times.

But there are so few sports facilities in our school.

That isn‘t a good news.Students‘ lives are very dull.Most of them spend their times just in reading room or playing games on net.I advise you to consider this seriously and build more sports facilities.I am looking forward to you answer.

Wish you a smooth work.



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