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In China, tea has a very long history, and has formed a Chinese teaculture. At the same time, tea is good for our health and is loved by manypeople. Chinese tea culture is broad and profound. It includes not only materialculture, but also profound spiritual civilization. Talking about Chinese tea.Can be traced back to ancient times, it is from the Tang Dynasty and SongDynasty flourished.

From then on, the spirit of tea permeated the court and society, and wentdeep into Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy, religion and medicine. Forthousands of years, China has accumulated a large number of tea cultivation andproduction of material culture, but also enriched the spiritual culture oftea.


When a guest comes to my home from afar on a cold night, I light bamboo toboil tea to offer him. Ancient Chinese poem.China is the home country of tea.Before the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea was exported by land and sea, first toJapan and Korea, then to India and Central Asia and, in the Ming and Qingdynasties, to the Arabian Peninsula. In the early period of the 17th century,Chinese tea was exported to Europe, where the upper class adopted the fashion ofdrinking tea. Chinese tea like Chinese silk and china has become synonymousworldwide with refined culture. At the heart of the culture of tea the study andpractice of tea in all its aspects is the simple gesture of offering a cup oftea to a guest that for Chinese people today is a fundamental social custom, asit has been for centuries.China traces the development of tea as an art form toLu Yu, known as the Saint of Tea in Chinese history, who lived during the TangDynasty and who wrote The Book of Tea, the first ever treatise on tea and teaculture. The spirit of tea permeates Chinese culture, and throughout the countrythere are many kinds of teas, teahouses, tea legends, tea artifacts and teacustoms. Better-known places to enjoy a good cup of tea in China include Beijingnoted for its variety of teahouses; Fujian and Guangdong provinces and otherplaces in the southeast of China that serve gongfu tea, a formal serving of teain tiny cups; the West Lake in Hangzhou, also the home of the Tea ConnoisseursAssociation, noted for its excellent green tea; and provinces in southwest Chinalike Yunnan where the ethnic groups less affected by foreign cultures retain teaceremonies and customs in original tea-growing areas.


China is the home of tea, is the birthplace of tea culture. The discoveryand utilization of tea in China, has a history of four thousand or five thousandyears, and long fill do not decline, spread throughout the world. Tea is one ofthe world's most popular, the most popular, beneficial to the physical andmental healthy green drinks. Tea into the world in one, advocate tea, aworld.Tea culture including tea tasting techniques, art appreciation, operationmeans of tea a better environment for the taste of the tea of my mood. Theprocess of form and spirit of unity, is the process of the formation of the teaculture phenomenon. It originated long ago, has a long history, profoundculture, and religious activity. The whole world has more than 100 countries andarea residents are fond of tea. Some places tea tea as a kind of enjoyment ofthe arts to promote. The tea is identical, each has its own merits. The Chinesepeople have always had a guest to tea custom, which fully reflects the Chinesenational civilization and politeness.








Before I was five years old, I lived with my grandparents. My grandpa likesdrinking tea so much, he drinks the tea every day. So I am effected by him, Ilike drinking tea, too. Drinking tea makes me stay healthy for I take in a lotof water. According to the healthy research, tea is good for people’s health. Sodrinking tea is the good habit.



  • 中国茶文化每一个安静如故的午后,沏一壶红茶,并切下一片柠檬放入其中。放置在可以照到阳光的地方。一个多么动人心魄的日子。我自在地躺在木椅上,眯起眼睛休憩……如风般逝去的韶华,若水般漂流的岁月,生命之舟起落,愿乘风破浪,负载张帆,却有淤积崖壁之堙阻。
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